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Lit Circle "The Odyssey"- Characterization 

Score: 105%

This was one of my projects that I did in Quarter 1 and really enjoyed. It was a Literature Circle in which our class broke into groups and were assigned texts/myths to read and work on. We were assigned literary device roles and packets to complete for them including a creative component. In my group were Julian, Jessica, Elijah and me! I had much more fun than I had expected to during our conversation/discussion in the end. We made connections to "Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief" to our myth, "The Odyssey". Something I did well was the creative component because I analyzed the texts and created a phone based on some apps that the characters would have because my role was characterization. Something I could have done better was my connection to the author and theme because though I did very well, I can always improve. Something I learned was that whenever you have to find characteristics of a character or be assigned characterization, think STEAL!

Click Icon for View of My Argumentative Essay on Bold Actions

Click Icon for View Outline and Guideline Used To Draft and Finalize Bold Actions Argumentative Essay

Screenshot of the Middle of My Bold Acti
Screenshot of Beginning of My Bold Actio

Score: 100%

Argumentative Essay- Bold Actions

Another assignment that I did in my class was an argumentative essay on bold actions. After reading "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief", our myths and a few other articles, it was finally time to put all our efforts together. We used those texts as our evidence and to help build our claim and answer the question(s): What does it mean to be bold? What are the risks and rewards of being bold? We all formed a thesis and grounds to support it. With evidence from numerous texts, we each had formed our argumentative essays. Something I did well was my thesis, which I found to be particularly strong because of how well it could be supported. Something I believe I could improve on was getting to the point and not overwriting my essay. Though my teacher said it was amazing, she said I could get rid of some parts and I agreed because no one wants to drone on and read a huge essay; they want the main facts! Something I learned about writing an argumentative essay was that at the end of each body paragraph, after your explanation, you should provide a conclusion that wraps the paragraph up and connects your point back to you claim/thesis. Click the button to view my essay. my strong thesis and learn about what it means to be bold! The button beneath shows the outline before I typed my essay for a look at how it was formed. 

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