Mary Bloody Mary Court Trial
Score: 100%
click icon for images of my mBM Court trial Documents

One of the assignments that I did in Quarter 2 for ELA was the "Mary Bloody Mary" Court Trial. I remember it quite vividly. The class was assigned roles of which would apply to a court, with their opinion taken in. Then, the attorneys, (including me!!) both defensive and prosecuting would group with their teams. Each individual had to then make at least 1 question for each one of our witnesses. The court trial was to be about whether or not the accused, a character from our core novel, "Mary Bloody Mary" was guilty: Anne Boleyn. We were also each given a handout which was in accordance to our roles. We were to complete it in order to present a beginning and concluding statement for the judge and jury.
On the day of the trial, we used dialogue most commonly utilized by those in court to give the classroom the feel of a court. The prosecution side dominated( my team!!) the whole argument. I was a major part of that action, but my team, Samantha and Josue were pretty good. They had questions prepared and announced their statements. The defense were also prepared in their questions but the intensity of the situation and my questions were what I took advantage of in the time period and managed to sway the argument back to the prosecution. In the end, the vote was almost cast to innocent but my teacher, Mrs. Dragon intervened and instead suggested a majority vote because she was convinced that the prosecution made a better case not just in preparation but in execution and wits.
What I did well was that I took charge when it was time to question the witnesses and was well prepared to prove that the accused was guilty. Perhaps something I could have done better was speak louder and a little more clear. Though I did ask my teammates if they wanted to question the witnesses further, perhaps I could have urged them on a little more to motivate them. What I learned is that there was another side to Anne Boleyn's story: she was shamed by her family, unwanted by her people and treated as an outcast. This goes to show how even though a person my be guilty for a crime, they have another side to the story and what made them a certain way. I also learned how King Henry VIII was also to blame for his madness and his daughter Mary's illegitimacy because he was the one to choose Anne as his lover and he himself wanted an male heir so he discarded his daughter from legitimacy so that his to-be son from his to-be wife would become the legitimate heir.
Mary Bloody Mary Character Journal
Click the icon for my personalized elements of STEAL chart!
Click the icon for images of my Mary Bloody Mary Character Journal
Score: 100%
Another assignment that I enjoyed for ELA was the Mary Bloody Mary Character Journal. It was revolved around analyzing the character of -well a character using traits and the elements of STEAL. As mentioned in the Quarter 1 page, STEAL stands for Speech Thoughts Effect on others Actions and Looks. It is how one can analyze a character deeper and understand the type of person they are based on STEAL. We had to staple 2 pages of blank white computer paper and divide each one into 4 sections, front and back for each. we then numbered the fronts 1-8 and the backs accordingly with the numbers on the alternate side of the box. We had to follow a rubric that told us to first analyze a quote and determine the element of STEAL represented of the character as well as 2 or 3 character traits. Then we had to explain how we thought those character traits were applied to that character at that certain moment(s). If we could or had time, we were also required to draw a sketch of the character at that point (my favorite part!) That was what we had to do for 8 different quotes. Then, on the back of each square, we had to create a T-chart analyzing the perceptions and reality of the character, Mary Tudor at the moment in that quote. Then we would have to explain in a few sentences what were the perceptions and reality for Mary at that point in the novel.
However, I enjoyed it because I was able to explore my character traits and the purpose of STEAL in novels as well as be artistic with my sketches. Something I did well was analyze and dig deeper on the quotes to connect to a foreshadowing event in the future tense of the novel. Something I could have done better was perhaps choosing further complex characteristics but depending on the rubric and my effort, I believe I did pretty well! Something that I learned was that sometimes in different situations, people act differently and hope to rely on their perceptions to escape their realities.